It used to be that if a teenager would accompany me to the grocery store, they could fill up the cart with whatever their heart desired. I considered it Kid Tax.
That had to stop when we went on the grocery budget - because I am weak.

"You sure you don't want some company at the grocery store?" Son I asks.
"I don't mind going with you," he persists.
"All set."
"If I give you a small list will you pick up a couple treats for me?" He continues.
With crestfallen face, he lowers his gaze. "Is it that you don't want to spend time with me?"
He is killing me over Cool Ranch Dorittos and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew. I feel myself slipping out of Fiscally Responsible Mom and back into Buy Your Love with Nutella Mom.
"Date night," I squeak. "It's Dad and Mom date night."
Twenty minutes later we are in the car. Not me and Son I. Me and Beau-hunkly.
From multiple sighs and quick side glances, it appears that cute husband does not consider grocery shopping a date night.
"I need your support here," I tell him as I grab his hand.
He deciphers that to mean I need assistance with the cart. OK. Works.
We wind our way through the store with BH pushing the cart while I check items off the list and throw them in the cart.
"How about..." He starts.
"Not on the list," I bark as I finish his sentence.
"Not on the list."
"Not on the list."
By the time we get to the checkout, I am estimating, based on the height of the cart, that we are $2 over budget. BH is confident we are right on.
And then I spot the salmon. Salmon? There was no pink flaky fish on the weekly list.
"How'd that get in our cart?" I hiss in a low tone so the teenage checkout clerk can't hear me.
"Seriously? $22?"
"Dunno," he mocks. "Not on the list?"
Final tally grocery budget for the week? $24 over. Like 2.4lbs of salmon, or so.
And I cooked the salmon in tinfoil that night. And it was awesome.
We will see what Mr. 24k Salmon has to say next week when we are eating baked beans and hot dogs.
My two cents. Everyone gets input in the budget. Enjoy someone else's choices too.